I-0.2.1, r. 3 - Québec Immigration Regulation

Full text
O.C. 963-2018, Sch. A; O.C. 1030-2019, s. 16; O.C. 282-2021, s. 5; O.C. 1570-2023, ss. 57 and 60.
(ss. 32, 33, 34, 37, 48, 50, 51, 53, 58)
1.Training1.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma attesting to at least 1 year of full-time studies
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)secondary school vocational diploma, or post-secondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 or 2 years of full-time studies, in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (g)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (h)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (j)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (k)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years or more of full-time studies
  (l)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  The Québec secondary school vocational diploma and the Québec postsecondary school technical diploma must attest to at least 900 hours.
  1.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in one of the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
  The Québec secondary school vocational diploma and the Québec postsecondary school technical diploma must attest to at least 900 hours.
2.Experience2.1Professional experience of a skilled worker
  less than 6 months
6 to 11 months
12 to 23 months
24 to 35 months
36 to 47 months
48 months or more
  The experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  The experience in Québec must not have been acquired in an inadmissible sector referred to in section 1 or 2 of Schedule E.
  2.2Professional experience of a self-employed worker
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years or more
  The experience of a self-employed person is based on the period of practice on the person’s behalf of the profession the person intends to practise in Québec.
  2.3Experience in management of the investor
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years
5 1/2 years
6 years
6 1/2 years
7 years
7 1/2 years or more
3.Age18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français:
   – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  According to the Canadian Language Benchmarks or its equivalent:
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– written expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
5.Stay and family
in Québec
5.1Stay in Québec
  (a)to study for 1 regular full-time semester if study is the main activity
  (b)to study for at least 2 regular full-time semesters if study is the main activity
  (c)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to a total of 900 to less than 1,800 hours, combined with full-time work experience in Québec, related to the field of training, for a period of at least 6 months following the program of studies
  (d)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to 1,800 hours or more, a diploma of college studies (DEC) preuniversity or technical or an undergraduate, graduate or master’s diploma
  (e)to work, with a work permit of at least 1 year and full-time work experience of 6 months
  (f)to work for at least 3 months if work is the main activity
  (g)to work for at least 6 months if work is the main activity
  (h)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 3 months
  (i)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 6 months
  (j)for business for at least 1 week
  (k)other stay for at least 2 weeks
  (l)other stay for at least 3 months
  The stay, other than the stay referred to in paragraph j, must have been completed by the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse in the 10 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  The stay referred to in paragraph j must have been completed by the foreign national in the 2 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  5.2Family in Québec
  Relationship with a Québec resident who is, in relation to the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse,
  (a)spouse or de facto spouse
  (b)son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister
  (c)grandfather or grandmother
  (d)uncle or aunt, nepehw or niece
of the accompagnying
spouse or de facto spouse
6.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma attesting to at least 1 year of full-time studies
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (g)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (h)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (j)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  The Québec secondary school vocational diploma and the Québec postsecondary school technical diploma must attest to at least 900 hours.
  6.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
  The Québec secondary school vocational diploma and the Québec postsecondary school technical diploma must attest to at least 900 hours.
  6.3Professional experience
  6 to 11 months
12 months or more
  The professional experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  6.5Language proficiency
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français:
  (a)oral French
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  (b)written French
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
employment offer
7.1Validated employment offer in the metropolitan area of Montréal
  7.2Validated employment offer outside the metropolitan area of Montréal in one of the following administrative regions:
8.Children8.112 years of age or younger
  8.213 to 21 years of age
  A child means a dependent child of the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse and an accompanying dependent child who is a Canadian citizen.
Making of a contract in which the foreign national undertakes to provide for basic needs, those of the accompanying family members and those of a dependent child who is a Canadian citizen for a period of 3 months.
  The foreign national must also declare in the contract that the foreign national will have, for that period, financial resources at least equal to those in the scales in Schedule C to provide basic needs; in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, the foreign national must prove that his or her gross income will allow the foreign national to provide basic needs.
  That requirement begins on the date of the foreign national’s arrival in Canada or, in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, as of the date of the selection decision.
10.1Service offer assessment (component 1)
  The service offer of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre is assessed according, in particular, to the
  – nature of the business project, the field of activity concerned and needs related to its implementation
– region of operation of the enterprise
– proposed support plan
– operating plan
– expertise of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre
  10.2Business project assessment (components 1 and 2)
  The business project assessment is carried out, with the necessary modifications, from
  – the description of the project and of the enterprise
– the market analysis
– the marketing plan
– the operating plan
– the financing plan
– the business profile
– the project management approach and risk analysis
– the economic and social benefits of the business project
– the enterprise and support from the environment
– the implementation stages of the business project
11.Amount of
11.1Deposit for start-up
  11.1.1 Practice of a trade or profession in the metropolitan area of Montréal or an enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
  11.1.2 Practice of a trade or profession outside the metropolitan area of Montréal or enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
Compliant with the Regulation.
Net asset obtained with, if applicable, the spouse or de facto spouse accompanying the foreign national, whose legal origin is demonstrated and does not include donations that the foreign national or the spouse or de facto spouse accompanying the foreign national received in the 6 months preceding the date of filing of the application for selection of at least
O.C. 963-2018, Sch. A; O.C. 1030-2019, s. 16; O.C. 282-2021, s. 5; O.C. 1570-2023, s. 60.
(ss. 32, 33, 34, 37, 48, 50, 51, 53, 58)
1.Training1.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)secondary school vocational diploma, or post-secondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 or 2 years of full-time studies, in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (g)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (h)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (j)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (k)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years or more of full-time studies
  (l)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  1.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in one of the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
2.Experience2.1Professional experience of a skilled worker
  less than 6 months
6 to 11 months
12 to 23 months
24 to 35 months
36 to 47 months
48 months or more
  The experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  2.2Professional experience of a self-employed worker
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years or more
  The experience of a self-employed person is based on the period of practice on the person’s behalf of the profession the person intends to practise in Québec.
  2.3Experience in management of the investor
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years
5 1/2 years
6 years
6 1/2 years
7 years
7 1/2 years or more
3.Age18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent:
   – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  According to the Canadian Language Benchmarks or its equivalent:
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– written expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
5.Stay and family
in Québec
5.1Stay in Québec
  (a)to study for 1 regular full-time semester if study is the main activity
  (b)to study for at least 2 regular full-time semesters if study is the main activity
  (c)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to a total of 900 to less than 1,800 hours, combined with full-time work experience in Québec, related to the field of training, for a period of at least 6 months following the program of studies
  (d)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to 1,800 hours or more, a diploma of college studies (DEC) preuniversity or technical or an undergraduate, graduate or master’s diploma
  (e)to work, with a work permit of at least 1 year and full-time work experience of 6 months
  (f)to work for at least 3 months if work is the main activity
  (g)to work for at least 6 months if work is the main activity
  (h)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 3 months
  (i)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 6 months
  (j)for business for at least 1 week
  (k)other stay for at least 2 weeks
  (l)other stay for at least 3 months
  The stay, other than the stay referred to in paragraph j, must have been completed by the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse in the 10 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  The stay referred to in paragraph j must have been completed by the foreign national in the 2 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  5.2Family in Québec
  Relationship with a Québec resident who is, in relation to the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse,
  (a)spouse or de facto spouse
  (b)son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister
  (c)grandfather or grandmother
  (d)uncle or aunt, nepehw or niece
of the accompagnying
spouse or de facto spouse
6.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (g)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (h)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (j)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  6.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
  6.3Professional experience
  6 to 11 months
12 months or more
  The professional experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  6.5Language proficiency
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent:
  (a)oral French
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  (b)written French
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
employment offer
7.1Validated employment offer in the metropolitan area of Montréal
  7.2Validated employment offer outside the metropolitan area of Montréal in one of the following administrative regions:
8.Children8.112 years of age or younger
  8.213 to 21 years of age
  A child means a dependent child of the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse and an accompanying dependent child who is a Canadian citizen.
Making of a contract in which the foreign national undertakes to provide for basic needs, those of the accompanying family members and those of a dependent child who is a Canadian citizen for a period of 3 months.
  The foreign national must also declare in the contract that the foreign national will have, for that period, financial resources at least equal to those in the scales in Schedule C to provide basic needs; in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, the foreign national must prove that his or her gross income will allow the foreign national to provide basic needs.
  That requirement begins on the date of the foreign national’s arrival in Canada or, in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, as of the date of the selection decision.
10.1Service offer assessment (component 1)
  The service offer of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre is assessed according, in particular, to the
  – nature of the business project, the field of activity concerned and needs related to its implementation
– region of operation of the enterprise
– proposed support plan
– operating plan
– expertise of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre
  10.2Business project assessment (components 1 and 2)
  The business project assessment is carried out, with the necessary modifications, from
  – the description of the project and of the enterprise
– the market analysis
– the marketing plan
– the operating plan
– the financing plan
– the business profile
– the project management approach and risk analysis
– the economic and social benefits of the business project
– the enterprise and support from the environment
– the implementation stages of the business project
11.Amount of
11.1Deposit for start-up
  11.1.1 Practice of a trade or profession in the metropolitan area of Montréal or an enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
  11.1.2 Practice of a trade or profession outside the metropolitan area of Montréal or enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
Compliant with the Regulation.
Net asset obtained with, if applicable, the spouse or de facto spouse accompanying the foreign national, whose legal origin is demonstrated and does not include donations that the foreign national or the spouse or de facto spouse accompanying the foreign national received in the 6 months preceding the date of filing of the application for selection of at least
O.C. 963-2018, Sch. A; O.C. 1030-2019, s. 16; O.C. 282-2021, s. 5.
(ss. 32, 33, 34, 37, 48, 50, 51, 53, 58)
1.Training1.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)secondary school vocational diploma, or post-secondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 or 2 years of full-time studies, in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (g)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (h)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (j)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (k)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years or more of full-time studies
  (l)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  1.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in one of the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
2.Experience2.1Professional experience of a skilled worker
  less than 6 months
6 to 11 months
12 to 23 months
24 to 35 months
36 to 47 months
48 months or more
  The experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  2.2Professional experience of a self-employed worker
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years or more
  The experience of a self-employed person is based on the period of practice on the person’s behalf of the profession the person intends to practise in Québec.
  2.3Experience in management of the investor
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years
5 1/2 years
6 years
6 1/2 years
7 years
7 1/2 years or more
3.Age18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent:
   – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  According to the Canadian Language Benchmarks or its equivalent:
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– written expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
5.Stay and family
in Québec
5.1Stay in Québec
  (a)to study for 1 regular full-time semester if study is the main activity
  (b)to study for at least 2 regular full-time semesters if study is the main activity
  (c)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to a total of 900 to less than 1,800 hours, combined with full-time work experience in Québec, related to the field of training, for a period of at least 6 months following the program of studies
  (d)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to 1,800 hours or more, a diploma of college studies (DEC) preuniversity or technical or an undergraduate, graduate or master’s diploma
  (e)to work, with a work permit of at least 1 year and full-time work experience of 6 months
  (f)to work for at least 3 months if work is the main activity
  (g)to work for at least 6 months if work is the main activity
  (h)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 3 months
  (i)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 6 months
  (j)for business for at least 1 week
  (k)other stay for at least 2 weeks
  (l)other stay for at least 3 months
  The stay, other than the stay referred to in paragraph j, must have been completed by the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse in the 10 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  The stay referred to in paragraph j must have been completed by the foreign national in the 2 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  5.2Family in Québec
  Relationship with a Québec resident who is, in relation to the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse,
  (a)spouse or de facto spouse
  (b)son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister
  (c)grandfather or grandmother
  (d)uncle or aunt, nepehw or niece
of the accompagnying
spouse or de facto spouse
6.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (g)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (h)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (j)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  6.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
  6.3Professional experience
  6 to 11 months
12 months or more
  The professional experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  6.5Language proficiency
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent:
  (a)oral French
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  (b)written French
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
employment offer
7.1Validated employment offer in the metropolitan area of Montréal
  7.2Validated employment offer outside the metropolitan area of Montréal in one of the following administrative regions:
8.Children8.112 years of age or younger
  8.213 to 21 years of age
  A child means a dependent child of the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse and an accompanying dependent child who is a Canadian citizen.
Making of a contract in which the foreign national undertakes to provide for basic needs, those of the accompanying family members and those of a dependent child who is a Canadian citizen for a period of 3 months.
  The foreign national must also declare in the contract that the foreign national will have, for that period, financial resources at least equal to those in the scales in Schedule C to provide basic needs; in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, the foreign national must prove that his or her gross income will allow the foreign national to provide basic needs.
  That requirement begins on the date of the foreign national’s arrival in Canada or, in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, as of the date of the selection decision.
10.1Service offer assessment (component 1)
  The service offer of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre is assessed according, in particular, to the
  – nature of the business project, the field of activity concerned and needs related to its implementation
– region of operation of the enterprise
– proposed support plan
– operating plan
– expertise of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre
  10.2Business project assessment (components 1 and 2)
  The business project assessment is carried out, with the necessary modifications, from
  – the description of the project and of the enterprise
– the market analysis
– the marketing plan
– the operating plan
– the financing plan
– the business profile
– the project management approach and risk analysis
– the economic and social benefits of the business project
– the enterprise and support from the environment
– the implementation stages of the business project
11.Amount of
11.1Deposit for start-up
  11.1.1 Practice of a trade or profession in the metropolitan area of Montréal or an enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
  11.1.2 Practice of a trade or profession outside the metropolitan area of Montréal or enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
  11.2Security deposit
  (a) $100,000
(d) $400,000
$500,000 or more
Compliant with the Regulation.
Net asset obtained with, if applicable, the spouse or de facto spouse accompanying the foreign national, whose legal origin is demonstrated and does not include donations that the foreign national or the spouse or de facto spouse accompanying the foreign national received in the 6 months preceding the date of filing of the application for selection of at least
O.C. 963-2018, Sch. A; O.C. 1030-2019, s. 16.
(ss. 32, 33, 34, 37, 48, 50, 51, 53, 58)
1.Training1.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)secondary school vocational diploma, or post-secondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 or 2 years of full-time studies, in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (g)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (h)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (j)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (k)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years or more of full-time studies
  (l)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  1.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in one of the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
2.Experience2.1Professional experience of a skilled worker
  less than 6 months
6 to 11 months
12 to 23 months
24 to 35 months
36 to 47 months
48 months or more
  The experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  2.2Professional experience of a self-employed worker
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years or more
  The experience of a self-employed person is based on the period of practice on the person’s behalf of the profession the person intends to practise in Québec.
  2.3Experience in management of the investor
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years
5 1/2 years
6 years
6 1/2 years
7 years
7 1/2 years or more
3.Age18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent:
   – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  According to the Canadian Language Benchmarks or its equivalent:
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– written expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
5.Stay and family
in Québec
5.1Stay in Québec
  (a)to study for 1 regular full-time semester if study is the main activity
  (b)to study for at least 2 regular full-time semesters if study is the main activity
  (c)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to a total of 900 to less than 1,800 hours, combined with full-time work experience in Québec, related to the field of training, for a period of at least 6 months following the program of studies
  (d)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to 1,800 hours or more, a diploma of college studies (DEC) preuniversity or technical or an undergraduate, graduate or master’s diploma
  (e)to work, with a work permit of at least 1 year and full-time work experience of 6 months
  (f)to work for at least 3 months if work is the main activity
  (g)to work for at least 6 months if work is the main activity
  (h)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 3 months
  (i)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 6 months
  (j)for business for at least 1 week
  (k)other stay for at least 2 weeks
  (l)other stay for at least 3 months
  The stay, other than the stay referred to in paragraph j, must have been completed by the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse in the 10 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  The stay referred to in paragraph j must have been completed by the foreign national in the 2 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  5.2Family in Québec
  Relationship with a Québec resident who is, in relation to the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse,
  (a)spouse or de facto spouse
  (b)son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister
  (c)grandfather or grandmother
  (d)uncle or aunt, nepehw or niece
of the accompagnying
spouse or de facto spouse
6.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (g)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (h)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (j)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  6.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
  6.3Professional experience
  6 to 11 months
12 months or more
  The professional experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  6.5Language proficiency
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent:
  (a)oral French
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  (b)written French
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
employment offer
7.1Validated employment offer in the metropolitan area of Montréal
  7.2Validated employment offer outside the metropolitan area of Montréal in one of the following administrative regions:
8.Children8.112 years of age or younger
  8.213 to 21 years of age
  A child means a dependent child of the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse and an accompanying dependent child who is a Canadian citizen.
Making of a contract in which the foreign national undertakes to provide for basic needs, those of the accompanying family members and those of a dependent child who is a Canadian citizen for a period of 3 months.
  The foreign national must also declare in the contract that the foreign national will have, for that period, financial resources at least equal to those in the scales in Schedule C to provide basic needs; in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, the foreign national must prove that his or her gross income will allow the foreign national to provide basic needs.
  That requirement begins on the date of the foreign national’s arrival in Canada or, in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, as of the date of the selection decision.
10.1Service offer assessment (component 1)
  The service offer of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre is assessed according, in particular, to the
  – nature of the business project, the field of activity concerned and needs related to its implementation
– region of operation of the enterprise
– proposed support plan
– operating plan
– expertise of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre
  10.2Business project assessment (components 1 and 2)
  The business project assessment is carried out, with the necessary modifications, from
  – the description of the project and of the enterprise
– the market analysis
– the marketing plan
– the operating plan
– the financing plan
– the business profile
– the project management approach and risk analysis
– the economic and social benefits of the business project
– the enterprise and support from the environment
– the implementation stages of the business project
11.Amount of
11.1Deposit for start-up
  11.1.1 Practice of a trade or profession in the metropolitan area of Montréal or an enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
  11.1.2 Practice of a trade or profession outside the metropolitan area of Montréal or enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
  11.2Security deposit
  (a) $100,000
(d) $400,000
$500,000 or more
Compliant with the Regulation.
Net asset obtained with, if applicable, the spouse or de facto spouse accompanying the foreign national and whose legal origin is demonstrated of at least
O.C. 963-2018, Sch. A.
(ss. 32, 33, 34, 37, 48, 50, 51, 53, 58)
1.Training1.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)secondary school vocational diploma, or post-secondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 or 2 years of full-time studies, in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (g)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (h)postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies in training referred to in section A or B of Part I or II of criterion 1.2
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (j)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (k)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years or more of full-time studies
  (l)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  1.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in one of the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
2.Experience2.1Professional experience of a skilled worker
  less than 6 months
6 to 11 months
12 to 23 months
24 to 35 months
36 to 47 months
48 months or more
  The experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  2.2Professional experience of a self-employed worker
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years or more
  The experience of a self-employed person is based on the period of practice on the person’s behalf of the profession the person intends to practise in Québec.
  2.3Experience in management of the investor
  6 months
1 year
1 1/2 years
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
3 1/2 years
4 years
4 1/2 years
5 years
5 1/2 years
6 years
6 1/2 years
7 years
7 1/2 years or more
3.Age18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent:
   – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  According to the Canadian Language Benchmarks or its equivalent:
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
– written expression:
levels 1 to 4
levels 5 to 8
levels 9 to 12
5.Stay and family
in Québec
5.1Stay in Québec
  (a)to study for 1 regular full-time semester if study is the main activity
  (b)to study for at least 2 regular full-time semesters if study is the main activity
  (c)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to a total of 900 to less than 1,800 hours, combined with full-time work experience in Québec, related to the field of training, for a period of at least 6 months following the program of studies
  (d)for studies leading to a vocational training diploma (DEP) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) attesting to 1,800 hours or more, a diploma of college studies (DEC) preuniversity or technical or an undergraduate, graduate or master’s diploma
  (e)to work, with a work permit of at least 1 year and full-time work experience of 6 months
  (f)to work for at least 3 months if work is the main activity
  (g)to work for at least 6 months if work is the main activity
  (h)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 3 months
  (i)in the context of a youth exchange program to which an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada, if work is the main activity for at least 6 months
  (j)for business for at least 1 week
  (k)other stay for at least 2 weeks
  (l)other stay for at least 3 months
  The stay, other than the stay referred to in paragraph j, must have been completed by the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse in the 10 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  The stay referred to in paragraph j must have been completed by the foreign national in the 2 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application.
  5.2Family in Québec
  Relationship with a Québec resident who is, in relation to the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse,
  (a)spouse or de facto spouse
  (b)son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister
  (c)grandfather or grandmother
  (d)uncle or aunt, nepehw or niece
of the accompagnying
spouse or de facto spouse
6.1Education level
  (a)secondary school general diploma
  (b)secondary school vocational diploma
  (c)postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (d)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (e)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (f)postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (g)undergraduate university degree attesting to 1 year of full-time studies
  (h)undergraduate university degree attesting to 2 years of full-time studies
  (i)undergraduate university degree attesting to 3 years of full-time studies
  (j)master’s degree attesting to 1 year or more of full-time studies
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  6.2Areas of training
  Québec diploma or diploma issued abroad listed in the following sections in the List of areas of training:
  Section A of Part I
Section B of Part I
Section C of Part I
Section D of Part I
Section E of Part I
Section F of Part I
Section G of Part I
Section A of Part II
Section B of Part II
Section C of Part II
Section D of Part II
Section E of Part II
Section F of Part II
Section G of Part II
  The diploma attesting to training must have been obtained before the date of filing of the selection application.
  If there is more than 1 diploma, the most advantageous diploma for the foreign national is retained.
  6.3Professional experience
  6 to 11 months
12 months or more
  The professional experience must have been acquired in the 5 years preceding the date of filing of the selection application and be based on the period of employment in a profession in a skill level higher than D, within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification, including training periods, remunerated or not, during an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  18 years of age
19 years of age
20 years of age
21 years of age
22 years of age
23 years of age
24 years of age
25 years of age
26 years of age
27 years of age
28 years of age
29 years of age
30 years of age
31 years of age
32 years of age
33 years of age
34 years of age
35 years of age
36 years of age
37 years of age
38 years of age
39 years of age
40 years of age
41 years of age
42 years of age
43 years of age
44 years of age
45 years of age
46 years of age
47 years of age
48 years of age
49 years of age
50 years of age
  6.5Language proficiency
  According to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its equivalent:
  (a)oral French
  – oral comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– oral expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
  (b)written French
  – written comprehension:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
– written expression:
levels 1 and 2
levels 3 and 4
levels 5 and 6
levels 7 and 8
levels 9 and 10
levels 11 and 12
employment offer
7.1Validated employment offer in the metropolitan area of Montréal
  7.2Validated employment offer outside the metropolitan area of Montréal in one of the following administrative regions:
8.Children8.112 years of age or younger
  8.213 to 21 years of age
  A child means a dependent child of the foreign national or the foreign national’s accompanying spouse or de facto spouse and an accompanying dependent child who is a Canadian citizen.
Making of a contract in which the foreign national undertakes to provide for basic needs, those of the accompanying family members and those of a dependent child who is a Canadian citizen for a period of 3 months.
  The foreign national must also declare in the contract that the foreign national will have, for that period, financial resources at least equal to those in the scales in Schedule C to provide basic needs; in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, the foreign national must prove that his or her gross income will allow the foreign national to provide basic needs.
  That requirement begins on the date of the foreign national’s arrival in Canada or, in the case of a foreign national whose application for permanent residence is processed in Canada, as of the date of the selection decision.
10.1Service offer assessment (component 1)
  The service offer of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre is assessed according, in particular, to the
  – nature of the business project, the field of activity concerned and needs related to its implementation
– region of operation of the enterprise
– proposed support plan
– operating plan
– expertise of the enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or university entrepreneurship centre
  10.2Business project assessment (components 1 and 2)
  The business project assessment is carried out, with the necessary modifications, from
  – the description of the project and of the enterprise
– the market analysis
– the marketing plan
– the operating plan
– the financing plan
– the business profile
– the project management approach and risk analysis
– the economic and social benefits of the business project
– the enterprise and support from the environment
– the implementation stages of the business project
11.Amount of
11.1Deposit for start-up
  11.1.1 Practice of a trade or profession in the metropolitan area of Montréal or an enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
  11.1.2 Practice of a trade or profession outside the metropolitan area of Montréal or enterprise situated outside the metropolitan area of Montréal
  (a) $15,000
(b) $20,000
$400,000 or more
  11.2Security deposit
  (a) $100,000
(d) $400,000
$500,000 or more
Compliant with the Regulation.
Net asset obtained with, if applicable, the spouse or de facto spouse accompanying the foreign national and whose legal origin is demonstrated of at least
O.C. 963-2018, Sch. A.